6 Ways to Turn Your Child’s Room into a Playground
Furnishings5 minutes read
A bedroom to most, is an intimate place of retreat. Especially after a long day at work, or simply when we seek an undisturbed moment of rest. However, children bedrooms are different compared to adult bedrooms. Apart from it being a personal space, it is also a place where they make adventures happen, spin stories to tell, and even have friends over for playtime.
As parents, we want to create the best living environment where our children can feel free to grow and learn in the comfort of their own room. To encourage creativity and discovery through toys and books through a room that provides the right tools and stimulation for growth. To most parents, getting their child’s room just right can be a little confusing, but it doesn’t have to be.
Firstly, the most important thing to take into consideration, is the (1) opinion of your child. Make it a fun project to surprise your kids with, or one that involves them. It is important that you find out exactly what they want in the room, so they love returning to their bedroom where they can feel most comfortable and at home.
After developing a good idea of what your child wants, you will need to assess the space you have to work with, and work within it. Yes, work within it. Do not become an overzealous Martha Steward, packing everything in and overdecorating the room.
Taking the right (2) measurements is a critical part of the process that has to be done correctly. If your measurements turn out to be inaccurate, your furniture may not fit into the layout you initially planned – and all that effort would go down the drain.
Next, make sure you choose the right (3) colours. Colours can easily make or break the overall appearance of a room. Consider your child’s favourite colour/s, and think of suitable colour accents, and a great concept that’ll bring it all together. You can make a room look inviting, warm or serene just by playing with hues.
Once colour is done, it is over to (4) furniture. Safety is paramount when you are expecting a lot of horse play in your child’s room. Furniture must be carefully selected – be mindful about sharp edges, unwanted protrusions and hazardous corners. Anything that sits on the ground should be slip-proof.
Source: The Asian Parent
Electrical outlets are another crucial factor to look into as well. Children by default, are most curious and inquisitive. This makes power outlets one of the biggest threats in their space, and it would be best to have them secured by (5) safety caps.
With the basic furnishings and safety measures in place, we can now go into the really (6) fun stuff – incorporating delightful things that will give the room a sense of wonder and adventure for your child. The best approach? Examine what your child enjoys during play. Do they jostle for a place on the slide upon arrival at the playground? If so, it would be ideal to install a slide by the bed as a fun way to wake up each morning.
Source: Remodelista
How about swings? If your child enjoys the rhythmic rocking of the swing, this will make a great addition to his/her space.
Source: Initial Furniture
You may also introduce a soft and well-cushioned non-slip rug for your child to take off and land.
Souce: Make Great
Another way to bring the outdoors in, is to place plants in your child’s room and amplify the sense of adventure. Plants will also help to naturally improve the air quality in the room, providing a great environment for your child to spend most of his/her time in.
Source: Ikea
For a little cosy reading nook where you child can hide away and get lost in the whimsical adventures of Enid Blytons quirky characters for example, include a tent in the room. It may even be used as a prop for playtime!
Lastly, observe the reactions of your child to the room and assess what works and what does not. The right room setup will make a positively nurturing environment for your child’s growth – providing much space to discover and explore, right in the comfort of his/her very own room.
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