Amperado | Your Ultimate Luxury Indulgence
Interior Design & Decor5 minutes read
A home is where your story begins. Amperado believes in that and they want to be a part of the beautiful journey to make your dream home a reality.Founded in 8th August 2017, Amperado is a luxury home decor company that understands the values of a quality home.
Amperado offers you customised furnitures and home decors made from high quality materials with state-of-the-art technology. Getting a new house and thinking of all the design ideas are just so exciting.
Sis, I totally get it! Amperado is that kind of company that gets excited -- with you! Tell them the design that you desire for your dream home and they will make it a dream come true.
To add on to their exclusive range of custom-made furniture, they recently introduced the Graceful Fig. The stunningly classy Graceful Fig.
Behold! The Graceful Fig
What a beauty, I know! The idea of this remarkable table was inspired by the humble graceful fig shell that dots the Singapore’s coastal landscape. It is crafted from the magnificent Portoro Gold marble from Italy!
Ficus Gracilis. Image via Wikimedia
The graceful fig shell, also known as Ficus Gracilis, lives in sandy or muddy bottoms in tropical and warm waters at continental shelf depths. It has the largest shell in the family of Ficidae (throwing these Scientific names of shell like no tomorrow). On top of that, it is this very shell that shares more than 50% of its chemical composition with Portoro Gold marble.
I wouldn’t know the scientific name for these gorgeous babies if it wasn’t for Amperado. The amazing thing about this design is how they are able to incorporate the beauty of nature into a wonderfully designed furniture.
The Unraveling of the Masterpiece
The Graceful Fig has a design that takes on the curatorial direction, of unveiling a new breed, by drawing inspiration from the graceful fig shell. Moreover, the simple yet elegant process of forming through the fibonacci sequence makes it even more special.

The luxurious Portoro Gold marble is artfully bended to form a table surface that inverts the nature of the shell as a protective element whilst revealing the thinness of the surface. How amazing is that?
The Algorithm | How Is it Doing What It’s Doing?
The unraveling process is optimized via computational design. Using a state-of-the-art stone bending process, the exhibit is fabricated in a way that reduces both material wastage and fabrication time.
The algorithm is able to generate various genomes that will optimize itself between the 3 parameters mentioned earlier -- to evolve to an end-state.
This subsequently alludes to the curatorial direction of an unnatural phenomena; mimicking and shortening the natural phenomena of evolution.
The 4 genomes that best express the evolutionary process of the Graceful Fig were selected and showcased at the Singapore Design Week as 3D printed prototypes.

Unnatural Phenomena - Combining Man-Made and Natural Elements
The exquisite and prestigious table is made of 2mm thick slices of bookmatched Portoro Gold marble. The Portoro Gold marble is a night black color tone marble with artistic criss-crossed resplendent gold and white marble veins. I believe this is what makes this marble a real eye-catcher!
The selected iteration is fabricated with a patented state-of-the-art stone bending process that minimizes both material wastage and fabrication time as compared with conventional slab carving techniques.
The bending fabrication technique is also akin to the way in which natural stone is developed, which is through millions of years of sedimentation of rock, where layers and layers are slowly added and compressed within our earth’s surface.
The fabrication technique begins with the translation of the digital 3D model into a rattan formwork. This rattan formwork serves as a basis to construct a composite structure of aluminium honeycomb and stainless steel rods.
This combination creates a rigid yet tensile structure that stretches to an impressive span of 2 meters despite the thinness of the structure. Thereafter, 2mm thick slices of the bookmatched Portoro Gold marble are painstakingly heated and bent over the formwork.
Image via Mahaveermarbleindia
Once the top layer of the Portoro Gold is set in place, the rattan formwork is removed and the underside of Graceful Fig is layered again. The grains between segments of marble slices are matched to perfection and lovingly buffed to remove any seams and to realize the ethereal elegance of Graceful Fig.
Where Can I Get This Majestic, Luxurious Piece?
There’s no denying how gorgeous this innovative piece of furniture from Amperado is! They have once again outdone themselves with the Graceful Fig table. I think it’s amazing how they are able to design a table inspired by a shell.
Interested in getting the unique and majestic Graceful Fig to add instant prestige and class to your home or commercial establishment? Get in touch with Amperado HERE for more information today.
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