Geek Bedroom, Geek Ideas
Interior Design & Decor5 minutes read
You probably grow up around a whole lot of fandoms. Are a huge fan of many universes and its characters and whatnot. When your friends walk into your room, the first thing they’ll see is that it’s filled with a whole lot of geeky stuffs.
Whether if budget is an issue or not, here are ways you can turn your room into a geek space.
As stereotypical as it sounds, it’s true. Your typical nerds usually will have a themed bedroom ranging from fandoms, to environmentally inspired bedrooms, to colour themes.
It is not surprising to see people’s bedrooms that are filled with posters, figurines, DVDs, tapes, books, of their favourite fandoms. The whole room may even scream of geekiness.
Not just limited to your bedrooms, but includes your entire home too. Basically your room is filled with technology or tech-inspired stuffs. It can be state of the art computers or laptops. Tech-inspired stuffs can mean smart security. Or it can also mean including techy stuffs like Alexa (and similar).
Basically your entire room (and home) is filled with latest gadgets and electronic toys that totally blows your guests away.
Image via ABPSL, Amazon, Broke-Ass Stuart
What kind of home isn’t complete with nerdy decorations? Want a geeky home? Hey man it’s pretty simple and quite straightforward to turn your home into a geeky one.
Decorate your walls with periodical table-themed decors. Use wall clocks that are made of computer chips. Replace flower pots with lab beakers.
If you are daring enough, maybe replace your china-wares with lab-inspired apparatuses. It probably may be a turn-off for some people as it reminds them of dissecting patients or animals but some people likes the morbid idea.
Whatever floats your boat!
This may seem like something out of a Disney movie or a theme park but hey it can be incorporated into your homes easily.
You can have a wall that dedicated to just featuring quotes from books, famous people, songs. You can also have a staircase featuring just that where people can read as they climb up each flight of stairs. But this may hold people up as they may spend time reading the quotes you put on there.
Image via Pinterest, EUPCN, and 22 Arcana Club
What’s a geeky bedroom without posters? Having a room filled with so much posters basically screams “THAT IS SO 1990s AND 2000s!” But hey, it’s part of geeking out your bedroom.
Back when there was time where we would stick posters of our favourite movies, favourite actors, favourite sports players, musicians, bands, you name it. Posters for us were a big thing growing up.
We adopt it from our parents. It’s a “culture” we adopt possibly from their parents too. As a matter of fact it has seemingly turned into a value we accepted and implemented every generation thus far.
Image via Assasins Creed, Totoro Shop, YouTube, and Rainbow Six Siege Ubisoft
Yeah, no geeky room is complete without figurines of our favourite movie characters. You can have an entire shelf or section dedicated to just figurines. People can spend several hundreds and thousands of dollars to watch their collections grow.
To them, their figurine collection isn’t “just another collection” like how some people see it. To them, it’s their pride and joy, their lifeblood if they are crazy enough to call it that. Their figurine collection is the very epitome of geekiness across most, if not all fandoms.
It can seem and look crazy for guests who come over to visit because it looks occult-ish and almost resembling organised religion. In all honesty, in all fairness, people will go the distant to do and get the things they love most. Even if it costs them so much money or makes them look bizarre. But hey, gotta love the geeks!
You know what else you can do to geekify your bedroom and throw some vintage feel to it? Arcade machines. Yeah… If you can get your hands on a couple of those and put it in your room, it’s an instant upgrade to your geek bedroom.
Imagine having a room filled with classic games once played by our parents. Plug and play guys! Like figurines, maybe you’d like to dedicate a section for these classic arcade games and your board games.
There are many more ways to make your room look and feel geeky. Here are just a few basic ideas on how you can make your room look geeky. Having a geeky room basically encompasses and personifies your childhood and what you like. It didn’t matter what people have to say about how “strange your room looks”. As long as you like it, it’s all it matters.
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