Step By Step Guide To An Office Renovation
Interior Design & Decor5 minutes read
It’s finally time. It’s finally time to renovate your office space - it’s been some time since you started, and if it’s been more than five years, then it’s definitely time for a change. Don’t be scared of the word ‘renovation’ - we are taught to be afraid of change, but if you intend to grow, then you need change.
And renovating your office space is the first step in the journey of change. You already have the budget. You already have a few locations in mind. What are you waiting for? It’s possible that you don’t know how to go about it. Don’t worry. We are always happy to help - stay tuned to find out how to renovate your office space.
Renovating Your Office: Step By Step Guide To An Office Renovation!
Of course, you have to hire professionals who specialize in renovating office spaces. For instance, if you are located in Singapore, you can always hire Eight Design interior design in Singapore. Hiring the right agency or team of professionals is perhaps the most vital step when it comes to renovating your office.
Today, let’s talk about office renovation - how to renovate your office in a few simple steps. Scroll down to find out now!
1. Identify Your Primary Needs
Most offices undergo renovation for a very simple reason - these spaces are bland, old, and sometimes stale to even stare at! This basically means that while those offices were really falling apart, they did need a fresh appearance. Moreover, renovation always plays a crucial role in the well-being of your employees.
You must obtain a comprehensive report highlighting all the building conditions, inclusive of the building’s electrical and mechanical systems, floors, utilities, and other existing functionality issues. Even if any past issues have already been fixed, it’s vital that you are aware of all such issues.
2. Set Aside A Contingency Budget
While budgeting your office renovation, it is vital that you take into account how timelines can change, budgets can go up or down, and even other gray areas. There could be other problems when you start renovating your office. But that’s part of every renovation. This is precisely why setting a contingency budget is important from the very beginning.
While renovating your office, taking a proactive approach becomes crucial - don’t get distracted from your primary purpose. Start adding value to the work-life balance of your employees. And it all starts with giving your employees an office space that motivates them to work with you. And setting aside a contingency fund is just part of the deal.
3. Understand Logistics
If you are planning renovations for your office, it is crucial that you understand what is required for practicality and not just from the design point of view. You have to understand how these factors can affect the whole renovation schedule. For instance, updating infrastructure or adding any new technology will delay the completion and increase costs.
These are details you have to take into consideration. But you can only do so when you understand logistics. Moreover, you have to get in touch with different external agencies, like regulatory bodies, even before you begin the renovation. This is done to ensure that the addition of different features and the construction, in general, complies with all rules.
4. Consult With Designers
Once you are able to nail down the scheduling and the logistics, your next task is to start consulting with designers. This will help you to obtain a comprehensive understanding of materials, decors, and aesthetics that will impact your new office space and, of course, your employees.
It’s vital that you also discuss furniture placement, color, and design for both functionality and looks. Make your office a space where both clients and employees are easily able to navigate around. Remember that the purpose of the renovation is both appearance and functionality - that way, your office will look good and, more importantly, will have no functionality issues.
5. Make The Transition Fun
While many CEOs may just laugh at the whole concept of a recreation room with a table tennis board or a comfy lounge area because they think it would impact productivity negatively, the actual truth is your employees also need a break. These are not your typical lunch breaks, but something shorter to get them away from their screens.
Recreational activities can actually encourage movement and sociality. Moreover, light play lowers stress levels and boosts positive social engagement between employees who might not have gotten other opportunities for interaction. A lounge area or a recreational room can make your employees feel relaxed, which in turn will boost productivity levels.
6. Hit It Home
When everything has been organized properly and is ready to go, make sure that you are not compromising and cutting corners. You have to ensure that all the details decided for the project were completed keeping what was planned under consideration. This is where the contingency funds will help. That way, you won’t have to cut corners just because you don’t have the budget.
While it is vital to keep a check on your budget while the implementation of your plan begins, it is equally important that you don’t compromise. After all, it is essential that you and your employees are happy and safe during as well as after the office renovation. You can easily achieve the same with the help of detailed and comprehensive scheduling.
Renovating Your Office Space: What An Inspiring Experience!
Renovating your office space is a rewarding experience, and many even say it was an inspiring experience. If you are thinking about renovating, don’t think anymore - just start the renovation.
Of course, do your research before you start - find out what are your key priorities, and at the same time, definitely fix both your budget and contingency fund.
Tell us what your thoughts on office renovation are. And if you are already done with the renovation, then we would love to hear about that as well - let us know in the comments below.
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