These 8 Tips Will Teach You How To Paint Like A Pro
Interior Design & Decor3 minutes read
Taking on the task of personally filling your walls with colour may be fulfilling, but it's no doubt hard work. Get one step closer to achieving handyman-worthy results by following these easy tips.
Read more: How to choose paint colours
Read more: One shade to paint them all
The Do's
Lay Canvas All Over The Floor
Not as slippery a material as plastic, canvas leaves less room for accidents when paint splatters all over. It can also be kept and reused for future painting projects.
Combine Your Paint
If one can of paint isn't enough to do the job, combine your total stash into a giant bucket before starting work. This will keep the paint consistency constant throughout your room.
Put Your Brushes In The Fridge
Clingwrapping your brushes seals out any air and leaves them usable the next morning even without the hassle of thoroughly washing each and every one the night before.
Leave The Lights On
You'll most probably be painting in broad daylight, but turning on the lights help amplify any miniscule mistakes you could potentially overlook.
Underestimate The Amount Of Paint You Need
Running out of paint midway is terribly inconvenient. To be sure you've got enough to work with, use an online paint calculator and then purchase excess for backup.
Ignore Prep
Diving right into the painting bit is much less exhaustive, but prepped walls lay the foundation for success. Fix all holes, cracks and imperfections before starting work or else the results won't look nearly as pleasant.
Set A Time Limit
Never use a time-oriented approach if you want to yield the best results. Your rush against time is going to leave you feeling awfully frustrated and damages the quality of your work.
Be Irresponsible
After a gruelling day, the want to toss your leftover paint into the nearest bin is understandable, but inexcusable nonetheless. Paint counts as hazardous waste and should be mindfully dropped off at your nearest recycling centre.
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Want more painting tips? Watch this video below where our RenoExpert Melvin from Mplus Hardware shares with you useful and cost-saving DIY painting tips & tricks!
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